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We invite you to join NMHC

Founded in 1970, the New Mexico Horse Council is an all-volunteer group supported by dues, fundraisers and donations. 

  • Support the Horse: Preserve horses as agriculture; Project Gelding; ‘NM Horse Care’.

  • Support the Owner: Equine Summits, newsletters, lobbying, brochures, liability signs.

  • Support the Rider: Advocate for trails and recreation; circulate information; clinics.

  • Support the Horse Industry: Communicate with state and local agencies; monitor equine event facilities; ally with other livestock and agricultural groups; distribute information from American Horse Council; maintain website, Facebook page.

  • Connect with the general public at the NMHC booth during New Mexico State Fair.


Commercial or Club Membership

$50 annually and includes

  • NMHC newsletter

  • discounts with major retailers

  • voting rights and option to serve on committees  

  • Listing on website member directory with logo, website and tag line


Family Membership

$40 annually and includes

  • NMHC newsletter

  • discounts with major retailers

  • voting rights and option to serve on committees

*Family membership must include at least one adult and may include another adult plus any number of youth (under the age of 18) residing in the same household

Individual Membership
$25 annually and includes 

  • NMHC newsletter

  • discounts with major retailers

  • voting rights and option to serve on committees  

​​All dues support educational programs and lobbying efforts.

Join today to take advantage of member discount programs at the state and national level. 

horse Image by Markus Spiske

Next Meeting

NMHC logo

May 20, 2021 @ 7 pm

RSVP by email to

NUMBERS EQUAL CLOUT, and we will continue to promote horses, horse ownership and the horse industry as far as funds and the energy and time given by our volunteers will permit. We hope you will join NMHC and look forward to hearing from you soon. 


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

© 2020 by New Mexico Horse Council


PO Box 10206

Albuquerque, NM 87184 ​

Email us

  • NMHC Facebook page
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